March meeting — IMPORTANT!

Our next NLIA meeting is Monday, March 11th at 7pm, Peace Mennonite Church, 615 Lincoln.
We have a full agenda and a lot of very important topics to talk about, so we hope a lot of people will attend.
Midland Care will be our guest speaker, talking about the many services they provide from right here in North Lawrence.
We will have an update on our proposed “Welcome to North Lawrence” sign, the design of which was shared at meetings last year.
Property owners on Lyon Street should soon be receiving a time-sensitive mailing regarding the proposed speed humps in the 700-900 blocks. This mailing included a SASE, and NEEDS to be sent back ASAP — or we will NOT get any funding at all for these speed humps.
There are also some big changes in our Federal designation from HUD that affect how we fund these projects and run NLIA.
As you can see, there is a lot to talk about. Please make some time to come out and be involved in your neighborhood. Your participation is key to our success.
As always, we will have refreshments and a raffle, and memberships are available.






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