As usual, in lieu of our December meeting, The North Lawrence Improvement Association’s “Annual Winter Social” will be held Monday, December 9th, 7pm at Centenary United Methodist Church (4th and Elm).
Church volunteers will open the Festival of Nativities for neighbors to enjoy (usually it’s only open Saturday and Sunday 12-4). The volunteers will graciously serve hot apple cider and be on hand to answer any questions. We will also have cookies!
The gift shop will be open as well — holiday items, handmade crafts, ornaments, jams, jellies, and cookies are available for cash sale.
There are rumors this may be the last year of the Festival, so if you’ve never seen this display, Monday night would be the night to attend. It is a true hidden treasure of North Lawrence, and there are always new things to see.
NLIA will be collecting donations for Ballard Center. Items like diapers, personal hygiene items, women’s care items, and other goods not covered by SNAP as well as non-perishable food are needed.
We will also be accepting donations for our Christmas families.
Hope to see you there!

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