June Meeting Minutes

11 residents in attendance… meeting started 7:04pm

Brittany Hall is giving a presentation as she is running for representative of the 45th District, attended Haskell and attended Baker University for graduate school and lives in the Pinckney neighborhood.

A website was presented hallforkansas.com for her campaign.

Demolition has been approved for Lyons Park for the new shelter house, slated to be done by September. Bids are currently being navigated for building the new shelter house and will be presented to the city commission.

The new tennis courts planned for Lyons Park will be submitted soon for construction and will not be available for pickle ball but will be for tennis only.

Lawrence Police Department has been patrolling the woods and the levee for homeless encampments and the camps have dramatically decreased, they have relocated to Burcham Park and the BNSF Amtrak Station. Both unsanctioned camps.

Cyclists, runners, and walkers have returned to the levee trail to enjoy it with the reduction of homeless encampments.

Sandrat Reunion was held on June 1st at the Union Pacific Depot and was a success.

Tanker cars that were parked in front of El Matador and La Tropicana experienced another leak of sodium chloride, which is not hazardous, but is liquid ice melt. The railroad was called and almost 800 to 1,000 gallons were lost. They believe vandals opened one of the valves on the tankers since there was no secure lock on the tanker that the trucker forgot to place on the tanker.

The post office failed to deliver 65 spring newsletters to good addresses, Ted will be investigating.

The Federal Railroad Administration was contacted for an overpass at the pedestrian walkway and improvements through grant money to achieve a quiet zone and improve the railroad, the NLIA cannot pursue these grants but the city can pursue it. Information with research performed by the NLIA on these matters have been passed on to the city.

Discussions have been held to expand the 2nd Street bridge to have covered pedestrian walkways for cycling, running, and walkers. This will all hookup to the Lawrence Loop and connect to the turnpike bridge. This has taken place of the initial architectural plans that were misaligned.

Ted asked about a pizza night at the Union Pacific Depot for a monthly meeting among the residents, Johnny’s Tavern pizzas for some Monday monthly meetings.

Discussions were also held about potential for a Union Pacific Depot summer concert series with foods trucks and live music.

A question was raised about dues for NLIA, Ted reiterated that they are five dollars annually.

The campaign for the grocery store development behind Johnny’s Tavern will resume now that the homeless camps have been vacated from behind Johnny’s Tavern.

A discussion was held about the pizza nights at Union Pacific Depot with concerns about turnout, discussions were also held about the concert series at Union Pacific Depot.

Gratification was held by a resident discussing the splash pad and its benefits for the community.

Ted discussed the avocation for a natural gas generator for a backup generator for the North Lawrence pump to avoid flooding and excess water at the underpass.

Ted advocated a call to action for North Lawrence residents and their wants.

Ballard Center addition is going through final approvals through the city for the approval. Been a long process with the city.

Solar panel farm battle is ongoing, no major updates as of now. However, hard copy information was present for the solar panel information that was presented at the meeting.

Meeting adjourned…8:17pm






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