March Meeting Minutes

19 residents in attendance… meeting started 7:03pm

Ted announces the guest speakers and discusses the agenda of events.

Ted started out with mentioning the new announcement from Evergy to try and pass a tax to the residents of Lawrence to pay for the new power plant structures and the solar farm project that is intended to be built as well as two natural gas power plants. Regulatory commission is taking comments on the potential tax increase at a provided email and phone number. Ted provided comments and encourages others to do so as well.

New business is currently being located near River Rat Skate Shop and Uplift Coffee. It is a pond and aquarium shop that currently sells fish as well as gardens and water environments. An article will be available in the newsletter with the details on this new business.

Ted talked about the concerns brought up about the Quiet Zone and the available funds from the FRA grants to construct the needed measures for the quiet zone. So far the city has taken no action on the available provisions and potential improvements.

The corridor plan the city is currently planning includes an item for the quiet zone but also includes other improvements near North 2nd Street that currently do not consider the increased need for storm water accommodations.

There is currently operations taking place about studying improvements with the corridor plan and they are currently being prepared for taking place in the near future to the tune of $250,000.

Ted brought up the letters from the principal at Woodlawn Elementary stating the need for improvements at the railroad crossings.

Ted also brought up the current plan to start work on a bike lane attached to the Lawrence Loop and appended to the current bridge that vehicles take to go from North Lawrence to Lawrence.

A resident asked about the City Manager not doing anything about the current plans for the quiet zone to be done on FRA funding.

Ted responded that there are issues with it moving forward and the current plan is to place it in the corridor plan and Ted is working to veto that current option. As the money may expire and the project will fall to the lowest priority.

Ted opened the floor to Christopher Enneking who is currently running for the school board.

Christopher talked about Lawrence public schools being an integral part of the community. Christopher mentioned that he is running being a son of Lawrence and that problems need to be called out for the school board. Christopher has attended many schools across Lawrence and coached Free State on their football team. Christopher has experience serving on the PTO for the school system and the school board. Christopher was voted the “Friend of Pickney” as being an integral asset for the school.

Christopher talks about the Lawrence he grew up with, and it is currently not being represented within Lawrence. Christopher spoke on some provisions for other communities to put solar panels on top of schools. Christopher is currently running for office with three seats available on the school board. Carol Cadue-Blackwell is currently the only school board member that has attended Lawrence schools in their lifetime, Christopher believes those indicate issues with the school board not being for Lawrence.

The classrooms need to have greater value by improving the leadership on the school board that continue to give themselves raises when there are budget shortfalls and issues with the current operation of the school district. Christopher wants to eliminate the current silencing of public comment when it comes to the school board public meetings. Christopher is not in support of the current silence trend for public speaking meetings. Enneking wants to improve the school board the Lawrence way by implementing Lawrence values and bringing a Lawrence grown mentality that looks to be missing. Christopher asked for contact information if there are interested parties in knowing more about the school board. There needs to be child care at every board meeting in Christopher’s plan so that parents can actually speak on their concerns with the school board. Christopher enamored for the care of the community concerning the school board and hopes to receive the vote of North Lawrence residents.

A resident asked Christopher about affordable housing and the fact they are closing schools in affordable housing areas. He asked Christopher about the issues with those decisions.

Christopher mentioned that people are chasing amenities and not affordable housing and that it is what is causing issues because is not worth to Lawrence to provide more affordable housing and not support these communities. Christopher mentioned the equity issue when it comes to school board and the city of Lawrence with the closing of neighborhood schools and communities.

Christopher mentioned that the Lawrence school board has become the way of improving efficiencies and way to bolster the cash flow of the school board at the cost of the kids. Christopher mentioned that Lawrence has lost 1,500 students over the course of the current issues with the school board.

Christopher wants people to be able to be on the school board that are willing to listen to the community and not ignore them. This part of the reason that he is running for the school board. He feels that community residents are not being heard.

Christopher believes there needs to be more honesty and transparency with the school board and this needs to be implemented with the school district.

A resident asked Christopher about his thoughts on closing schools and most likely building a school out west.

Christopher believes the $9 million they saved on closing schools needs to be used in eliminating the high value office space of the school board of the administrative building. This will be combined in reopening schools so that they can better serve the communities of Lawrence. Christopher does not need to build new schools, the old schools need to be brought back, he thinks the old schools need to rise from the ashes and come back.

The next speaker took the stage with Bob Schum running for city commission.

Bob has been in Lawrence since he has been 17 and is a restaurant entrepreneur with multiple local establishments under his name.

Bob has seen issues with the city and thinks the city can do better. Bob thinks the neighborhoods around the central business district that provide the character and community of Lawrence need to be cared for.

Bob says that downtown needs to be balanced with the neighborhoods surrounding the business district. Bob is a participant in the community and currently wants to provide a better future for the city of Lawrence. Bob is worried about the things going on in the city and laments the homeless issue in Lawrence and the current concerns with it.

Bob belongs to a group called Lawrence Cares. Bob had a goal to find a housing solution for unhoused people and relocate current transients to their original communities so that Lawrence does not expense on transient residents.

Bob talked about the Pallet Village and the reports of it doing well. However, he believes there is more work to be done. He also believes the property taxes are devastating and needs to be greatly improved. Bob is not impressed with the city manager and his current work behind doors and his lackluster performance to the city.

Bob knows he can improve the city and balance the city’s budget and be a steadfast worker in the city to work hard to improve the budget, homeless issues and affordable housing.

Bob wants the Lawrence Loop to be completed and wants to include North Lawrence in the loop as an asset and not a pass through. He enjoys riding his bike on the Lawrence loop.

This is Bob’s first stop on his campaign trail. He is happy to run for commission and looks forward to being apart of improving the city with his past experience and wants to do a good job for the city.

A resident asks about the current combination of the KDOT department combination over on K-10.

Bob answered that it has always been a goal to combine that and they are bonding it out to be paid for over time. He mentioned it is something that he is not entirely knowledgeable on.

A resident wants the city to stop providing tax rebate giveaways, another resident agreed.

Bob replied that you should not argue on valuations as that is not the issue but property tax is.

A resident asked about the agency of city commissioners and what power Bob has when he gets elected.

Bob said it took him four years on the job to realize what authority he has. Bob mentioned that the city manager is supposed to work for the city commission, meaning the city commission is the boss of the city manager.

You can get three commissioners on the staff and fire the city manager if he is not doing a good job. Bob wants to take care of those issues, and address the issues the city is currently facing.

There needs to be awareness on the city commission to take action Bob mentions.

Ted has spoke about issues with public comment and how it is not swaying the city commission and that the commission does not consider public comment in any of their decisions.

Ted spoke on concerns with the sideshow speakers that divert from the current issues at meetings.

Bob replied that the speakers that have good information and evidence to back up their speaking then they need to lauded and raised to prominence. As these speakers have the ability to change the commissioners minds.

A resident had a follow up discussing the need for worth through their values the ability to made objective and take in good information and remove biases. There needs to be people for the greater good of the community.

Bob mentions that he puts himself in the shoes of the community member. In order to get that perspective so he can have empathy and understanding of the current concerned citizen. He tries to cognizant of the community member.

A resident asked realistically how much influence he would have in public comment in a meeting.

Bob answered by saying there needs to be meeting management and there needs to conciseness with topics without shutting out any community members. Bob said the best advantage is to get as many people at the meetings as possible. This can sway the commission greatly.

Ted endorses Bob has someone who actually thinks about the issues presented from the public and Bob being integral in the historic business district listed for Locust Street. Bob made a difference in that.

Ted discussed the plans for the rail car restaurant at 6th and Locust that John Davis is currently planning along with the apartments and condos with retail on the bottom.

A resident commented about no new houses being built but discussed the Tenants to Homeowners houses being built in the past year.

Meeting adjourned…8:50pm






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