April Meeting Minutes
Meeting started…7:04pm 16 residents in attendance Ted starts discussing a brief on the solar panel issue by discussing the threat of flooding returning because of the proposal for the solar panels and its lack of a storm water plan. The pumps would essentially not be able to handle the capacity that the new solar panels…
March Meeting Minutes
Present: 12Call to order: 7:05pmTed Boyle introduced Ms. Tonda Hill. Ms. Hill shared that she has lived in Lawrence for 12 years she and has a strong background in criminal law. She shared a story that motivated her to realize that she wanted to make a difference in her district. She shared that an individual…
February Meeting Minutes
Meeting started 7:02pm 6 residents in attendance Ted starts with the Palestinian protestors that are against ICL and their operations at their North Lawrence plant. Jason Miller, a representative from ICL, starts presenting about the issues with the protests against ICL as a whole. Jason talks about all the overseas unrest and how they have…
December Meeting Minutes
22 residents in attendance… Ted starts the meeting 7:02pm Ted introduces the speaker Scott Thellman Ted gives an update on the transient problem, meeting taken place at John Taylor Park where the city stated the camps would be vacated along the river, that has succeeded with flying colors. The only camp is the city sanctioned…
Centenary United Methodist Church announces Festival of Nativities
Join the Centenary United Methodist Church in North Lawrence at 245 N 4th St for their Festival of Nativities! Their showcase will be held during the entire month of December until the 23rd on Saturdays and Sundays at noon to 4pm. The showcase will feature over 450 nativity sets from around the world! They will…
November Meeting Minutes
10 residents present Ted starting the meeting…7:01pm Ted talks about Beverly Cates who passed away on November 8th and just had her 90th birthday celebrated. Son called to report that Beverly passed away. Passed away in her sleep. Was the treasurer for 15 years. Visitation was yesterday, funeral today. NLIA helped a resident with a…
June Meeting Minutes
Minutes June, 12th 2023Meeting started: 7:09pmPresent: 11Presenting at the meeting: First Responders/Fire Department and City Transit DepartmentMinutes:City Transit staff member shared a route redesign that came about due to researching what serves the community. There will be a bus route from North Lawrence that will go out west with no transfer needed. North Lawrence will…
May Neighborhood meeting Minutes
May Meeting MinutesStart:Attendees: 35 and 4 StaffersUnion Pacific Railroad presentationThe Manager of hazardous materials for the Union Pacific Railroad Lane Sekavec presented at the May neighborhood meeting. He explained that the Union Pacific are is in control of the railway lines on the North side and the railway across the river on the South side…
May Neighborhood Meeting
The meeting will be held at the North Lawrence Train Depot. May 8th, 2023 at 7pm. Please join us to hear a presentation by a representative from the Union Pacific Railroad. They will be available for Q and A. Let us know if you would like any other topics added to the agenda by emailing…
April Neighborhood Minutes
April 10th, 2023 Neighborhood Meeting MinutesPresent: 15 and 2 Staff from ICLStarted: 7:05pmEnded: 8:48pmMidland Care Connection located at 319 Perry Street is having their 3rd annual Neighborhood cook-out June 10th from 10am – 2pm in remembrance of Eddie Smith with proceeds going to Midland Care Connection and the NLIA. There will be burgers, hot dogs…
Sandrats for the better.