Welcome to Historic North Lawrence

Colorful past. Bright future.

  • October meeting

    The October meeting of North Lawrence Improvement Association is this Monday, 7pm at Peace Mennonite Church.   We will have guest speakers from Midland Care, those awesome folks over on Perry who held the cookout during our spring garage sales.   We will also update everyone about the underpass pumps, and, believe it or not,…

  • NILA Fall Picnic

    Mark your calendars and tell your neighbors! The Fall NLIA Picnic will be held Monday, September 16th at 5:30 PM, Lyons Park Shelter. THERE WILL NOT BE A POSTCARD THIS YEAR due to funding constraints. As always, it’s a potluck. Please bring a dish or treat to share. NLIA will provide tableware and bottled water.…

  • Midland Care Neighborhood Cookout

  • 2019 North Lawrence Garage Sale Map

    The 2019 Garage Sale map is now live. If you live in North Lawrence and wish to be added to this map, please send the dates, times and address of your sale along with a brief description of items to: nliacoordinator@gmail.com https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1rFZYABONixhxSv73_PS9Ee92lHvCX3jk&ll=38.9808687791888%2C-95.2252575&z=16

  • 2019 Garage Sale Dates

    The 2019 dates for the annual North Lawrence garage sale will be Friday, May 17th and Saturday, May 18th. Email your address, dates and times, and a short description of items you’ll have for sale to nliacoordinator@gmail.com to be included in this year’s Google Map.

  • March meeting — IMPORTANT!

    Our next NLIA meeting is Monday, March 11th at 7pm, Peace Mennonite Church, 615 Lincoln.   We have a full agenda and a lot of very important topics to talk about, so we hope a lot of people will attend.   Midland Care will be our guest speaker, talking about the many services they provide…

  • Cabin Fever Chili Supper

    The annual North Lawrence Cabin Fever Chili Supper is coming up on Monday, February 11th at 5:30 pm. It will be held at the Union Pacific Depot, 402 North 2nd St. Neighbors bringing hot dishes are encouraged to come by a little early to get them set out. NLIA will be at the Depot starting…

  • Meeting 1/14/19 CANCELED

    For folks not on Facebook, the regularly scheduled meeting for tonight, Monday, January 14th, has been canceled.   We will reschedule the meeting sometime in the next 2 weeks. We have a lot to talk about before the Cabin Fever Chili Supper in February.   Stay tuned!

  • Followup from the April NLIA meeting

    Following up from the April meeting with our neighbors ICL, here is the link to the USGS map that was shared, indicating naturally occurring arsenic in groundwater in the United States. https://water.usgs.gov/nawqa/trace/arsenic/ The full meeting notes from March, April, and May will be posted soon.  

  • Spring Cleanup Reminder

    The annual North Lawrence Spring Cleanup starts this weekend, culminating in our pickup day on Tuesday, April 17th. Please have everything out to your normal trash pickup spot by 7 am that morning. Bulky items will be accepted. If you need assistance moving such items to the trash pickup spot, and you don’t use Facebook,…

Sandrats for the better.