Spring Newsletter
The Spring and Summer 2018 Newsletter is now available — and will be in mailboxes soon. Click this link to open the file as a PDF: NLIA Newsletter Spring Summer 2018 PDF
North Lawrence Spring Cleanup 2018
Mark your calendars for the 2018 Spring Cleanup, Tuesday, April 17th. Please have all the items to be picked up set out in your regular trash pickup area no later than 7 am that morning. Hazardous waste like old paint and pesticides will not be accepted. You can call 832-3030 if you’re not…
NLIA Fall Winter 2016 Newsletter
After a lot of hard work the newsletter is finally ready. It been published to the website and can be found here. Enjoy!
NLIA April Updates
The next NLIA meeting will be held April 11th starting at 7pm. It will be held at our regular meeting place – Peace Mennonite Church 615 Lincoln Street. ICL Plant will be the featured speaker at this meeting. The Spring neighborhood cleanup will be April 12th. Please place items you wish to discard at your…
Short Survey
Please go to the link below to fill out a short informational survey. This survey will give you a chance to voice your opinions to NLIA. We look forward to hearing from you. http://goo.gl/forms/192ZrQSu2L
North Lawrence Clean-up: Oct. 13
This Fall’s North Lawrence Clean-up will be: Tuesday, October 13. Please place items you wish to discard at your regular trash pick up site by 7:00 a.m. Remove all nails from boards and place broken glass in suitable containers and mark it to prevent injuries. Old tires will also be picked up. Also, bring limbs…
Ballard B3 Event – Sept. 18th
Come out and support a great organization. Blues, Brews, and Barbeque, is the signature fundraiser for Ballard Community Services! All you can drink craft beer, BBQ, and sides from many of Lawrence’s best restaurants, and amazing blues music – all in one place! When: September 18th, 2015 Time: 6pm to ? Where: Abe & Jakes…
The NLIA Website has a New Look!
Welcome to the new NLIA Website. Please checkout all the new features and information that the site has to offer.
Surveys will be coming soon!
NLIA Neighborhood Picnic – Sept. 14, 2015
Description: Come out and enjoy delicious food with your North Lawrence neighbors at Lyons Park. Keep an eye on your mailboxes as mailers with more information will be going out soon! We look forward to seeing everyone there.
Sandrats for the better.