North Lawrence Spring Cleanup 2018

Mark your calendars for the 2018 Spring Cleanup, Tuesday, April 17th.
Please have all the items to be picked up set out in your regular trash pickup area no later than 7 am that morning.
Hazardous waste like old paint and pesticides will not be accepted. You can call 832-3030 if you’re not sure if what you’ve got to dispose of is considered hazardous, and you can use the same number to schedule a drop off time for those items.
Each household may also set out up to one car’s worth of tires each year at no charge (four or five tires, if you had a spare). More than that, and the city will bill you for removal.
If you’re setting out old lumber and boards on cleanup day, all nails and metal needs to be removed. Limbs and branches left with trash should be no longer than 5 feet in length. The normal bundling rules for limbs/sticks apply.
There is also a community drop-off site for limbs by the fence behind Centenary Methodist Church at 4th and Elm, near the northwest corner of the property. Ted will be putting up signs to indicate the dropoff area. NLIA pays twice a year for a chipping service for these limbs, and the mulch will be available for free afterwards for residents.
Requirements for the neighborhood drop off site are:
No limbs smaller in diameter than 1/2-3/4 inches;
Stack with all cut ends facing outward/the same way so they’re easier to feed into the chipper;
absolutely NO vines, brush, bushes, leafy material, weeds, hop vine, limbs smaller than 1/2 inch diameter, or trash.
(That sort of yard waste needs to go in brown bags for regular city compost pickup.)
We’ve had a problem lately at the dropoff site with unwanted materials that we’re having to pay extra to have hauled away. Please don’t do that! Ask first if you’re unsure.
We have some folks in the neighborhood who have already requested help with moving large items to the curb for pickup on our cleanup day. Please message NLIA if you need help, or if you’ve got time and the strength to help your neighbors move larger items. Please also check in with your neighbors soon to see if they’ll need help.
Thanks for helping continue to improve the look and livability of North Lawrence by participating in the cleanup! Thanks also for reading this update. Please spread the word.






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