NILA Fall Picnic

Mark your calendars and tell your neighbors!
The Fall NLIA Picnic will be held Monday, September 16th at 5:30 PM, Lyons Park Shelter.
THERE WILL NOT BE A POSTCARD THIS YEAR due to funding constraints.
As always, it’s a potluck. Please bring a dish or treat to share. NLIA will provide tableware and bottled water.
Feel free to bring your own reusable tableware to cut down on waste.
We will have guests from Midland Care to report on the fundraiser they held in May as well as esteemed city and county commissioners, police department personnel, and the NLIA officers.
We will have membership cards available. Membership is just $5 per year, and helps NLIA fund the newsletter and other administrative costs.
The new, abbreviated fall newsletter will arrive in your mail box early next week. The meeting dates for the 2019-2020 season are listed on it, as well as contact numbers and emails.
See you at the picnic!






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